unique of children....
>> Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2009
children can be more intelligent view of goodness and badness,
because ....... they
more clean and pure heart "
get friends...more and more
children can be more intelligent view of goodness and badness,
because ....... they
more clean and pure heart "
Positive attitude helps to cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking. If you adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into your life, and makes them happier, brighter and more successful. With a positive attitude you see the bright side of life, become optimistic and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing and strengthening.
Positive attitude manifests in the following ways:
Positive thinking.
Constructive thinking.
Creative thinking.
Expecting success.
Motivation to accomplish your goals.
Being inspired.
Choosing happiness.
Not giving up.
Looking at failure and problems as blessings in disguise.
Believing in yourself and in your abilities.
Displaying self-esteem and confidence.
Looking for solutions.
Seeing opportunities.
A positive attitude leads to happiness and success and can change your whole life. If you look at the bright side of life, your whole life becomes filled with light. This light affects not only you and the way you look at the world, but also your whole environment and the people around you. If it is strong enough, it becomes contagious.
The benefits of a positive attitude:
Helps achieving goals and attaining success.
Success achieved faster and more easily.
More happiness.
More energy.
Greater inner power and strength.
The ability to inspire and motivate yourself and others.
Fewer difficulties encountered along the way.
The ability to surmount any difficulty.
Life smiles at you.
People respect you.
Negative attitude says: you cannot achieve success.
Positive attitude says: You can achieve success.
If you have been exhibiting a negative attitude and expecting failure and difficulties, it is now the time to change the way you think. It is time to get rid of negative thoughts and behavior and lead a happy and successful life. Why not start today? If you have tried and failed, it only means that you have not tried enough.
Developing a positive attitude that will lead you to happiness and success:
- Choose to be happy.
- Look at the bright side of life.
- Choose to be and stay optimistic.
- Find reasons to smile more often.
- Have faith in yourself and in the Power of the Universe.
- Contemplate upon the futility of negative thinking and worries.
- Associate yourself with happy people.
- Read inspiring stories.
- Read inspiring quotes.
- Repeat affirmations that inspire and motivate you.
- Visualize only what you want to happen.
- Learn to master your thoughts.
- Learn concentration and meditation.
Duration of silence in front of the computer sometimes we make eye surfeited, tired so often out of water ... there are a few tips that you can try to keep the eyes remain healthy.
1. Berendam di air dingin memberikan efek mendinginkan dan merangsang tubuh karena iar mengerutkan kapiler.
2. Menyeka dengan air dingin serta hangat bergantian, merangsang sistem kardiovaskuler
3. Mandi air hangat akan melemaskan jaringan kapiler pada kulit dikarenakan banyak darah dari jaringan yang ditarik ke kulit selain itu mengurangi nyeri.
4. Berendam dalam air atu pun mandi pancuran bermanfaat melemaskan semua otot tubuh.
5. Mandi dan menyeka tubuh dengan air dingin dan hangat bisa digunakan sebagai terapin kejiwaan seseorang.
Make children love reading? I want ... Here are some tips that can make a little love to read.
1. Navigate to the child things or items that can make the child interested to read. Note the craze and the Small hobby.
2. Place items in your home-related media such as reading books, magazines, catalogs and colorful.
3. Notice what makes he interested, such as interest on certain objects (photos, images, etc.).
4. You can give examples of the Small with the filling in your spare time.
5. The call went to a small library on a regular basis, explore the children together.
6. You can read the events become as one of the activities that have a purpose, or as a way to collect information such as make a paper airplane, vacation planning, and so forth.
7. Practice your oldest child to read stories or books to sister. This could provide a good example for the child to be moved to the power train and read it.
8. Play games related to reading, such as game spell a word using the tools help marked like dice, cards and marked image, puzzle, or board games that require players, especially the child to read in the game.
9. Experience for you to read at the dinner, time or other informal, this may encourage the child in the interest to read.
10. Set the time on a regular basis to get the day-to-day, like 20 minutes before bed, after dinner, etc.. At least 10 minutes reading a day can improve reading skills and habits of the child.
11. Read stories or books for the child to the rough and hard, especially for children who read less ability. By listening to you read the story, this can generate enthusiasm for the child books and reading.
12. Assign your child to read with the hard / rough, the interest in a book, or news that is interesting in the newspaper, etc..
13. Give a gift book or magazine on the feast day or a special day, for example at the time of its Christmas, birthdays, etc..
14. Provide a special place to put the book Small-book. You can make or buy a special book shelves that can accommodate text-book in one place.
15. Introduce child a book with divider pages (bookmarks), given the understanding that if the book does not have to finish in a time, to teach reading and provide perchapter finished reading each bookmark. Do not force the child to finish a book read in a while, especially if he does not like the book. Suggest to put the book does not read the book and liked the other.
16. Some of the children (sometimes the parents) assume that reading the book as a serious activity, but you can change the view to introduce the child books containing the funny stories that can make the child happy and laugh.
17. Expand the positive experience of the child. For example, if child happy to read books about dinosaurs, Invite him to visit the museum dinosaurs, and so forth.
18. Give child a reward if they want to read, at least if they can finish one chapter topics in a certain time.
19. Limit time watching TV for children, so they have time to do other activities such as reading. But do not make watching TV as a reward or punishment if they want or do not read.
20. Not all activities that involve reading books. Restaurant menu, buoy-marked road signs, food labels, cover CD, or anything such as media that we read even though child train in the middle of their busy though.
Yahudi, negara besar yang terkenal dengan kegeniusannya.....apa yang mereka lakukan sehingga bisa berhasil? Mereka tidak mencetak generasi cerdas melainkan genius. Berikut beberapa tips yang sudah mereka lakukan....
1. Pada saat mengetahui istri sedang hamil, sang ayah akan memborong buku matematika dan menyelesaikan setiap permasalahan dalam buku tersebut bersama. Semakin banyak buku yang mereka baca dan selesaikan mereka punya keyakinan akan lebih genius.
2. Sang Ibu akan lebih sering bernyanyi dan bersenandung, bermain piano karena mereka percaya bahwa musik akan menambah tingkat intelegensia anak.
3. Sejak awal mengandung sang ibu gemar makan kacang dan korma bersama susu, tengah hari menu makanan ibu ialah roti dan ikan tanpa kepala dicampur salad dan berbagai jenis kacang. Mereka percaya ikan mengandung protein tinggi dan komposisi kimia lain sehingga baik sekali untuk kesehatan otak.
4. Mengkonsumsi minyak ikan sebagai tambahan
5. Mengkonsumsi buah terlebih dahulu sebelum makan makanan utama karena anggapan makan buah setelah makan ternyata salah besar, buah disini tidak lagi berfungsi sebagai pencuci mulut dan pencahar, tetapi mengkonsumsinya sebelum makan akan banyak manfaatnya.
6. Jangan sekali-kali bertandang ke rumah orang yahudi dengan merokok. HARAM bagi mereka karena mereka tahu betul bahaya merokok apalagi bagi ibu hamil. DNA akan berubah hanya dengan rokok dan asapnya terlebih bagi perokok pasif…Oleh karena itu ada sisi positifnya ketika pemerintah Negara kita Indonesia menyatakan fatwa haram bagi perokok…
7. Ketika anak mereka melewati masa kanak-kanak nya WAJIB hukumnya mengambil kursus musik karena IQ anak akan meningkat seiring dengan kemampuan bermain musik, alat musik yang sering mereka gunakan adalah piano dan violin.
8. Pelajaran Matematika bagian berdagang dan perniagaan WAJIB diberikan untuk kelas 1-6, ini dimaksudkan untuk merangsang anak berpikir logika sehingga kecerdasan mereka 6x lipat ke depan disbanding Negara-negara lain terlebih Negara kita Indonesia….subhanallah..
9. Mereka yang rata-rata bukan orang islam, menerapkan olahraga yang sebetulnya direkomendasikan dalam Islam yaitu memanah, berenang, dan berlari. Ketiga macam olahraga tersebut menjadi andalan sekolah-sekolah.
10. Beranjak ke tingkat menengah, pelajaran mereka menuntut untuk menciptakan suatu proyek sains, percobaan dan bisa dipertanggungjawabkan…
11. Setelah kuliah untuk mendapatkan ijazah akhir, perniagaan dan bisnis menjadi syarat mutlak dan sebelum berjalan baik mereka tidak akan mendapatkan izin keluar kampus.
12. Cara mereka beribadah dan menjadi kebiasaan mereka adalah dengan mengayunkan kepala dengan maksud menambah asupan oksigen ke dalam otak. Sebetulnya kita sebagai muslim sangat diuntungkan karena sholat kita pada bagian sujud mengalirkan oksigen ke otak dan seluruh tubuh….tapi sudahkah kita melaksanakan dengan benaar?
Selamat memiliki putra-putri penerus bangsa yang genius….semoga bermanfaat
Shows how the hologram is a 3-D image. When given the right light, the hologram can create an image of 2-D and 3-D.Hologram was created using a laser ray. Sinar laser split into 2, the first thing would reflection of film and the other on the drive directly to the film without reflection. When the hologram film be in a certain way it will appear 3-dimensional image.
Wave laser is coherent, and has a large wavelength, top and valley are same. Holograms can be created using a laser coz the making need a regular waves, does not like laser rays, light waves are not always uniform, so not useful for this.
Pernah dengar suku Hunza yang tinggal di pegunungan Himalaya? Rata-rata usianya 120-140 tahun. Mengapa? Ternyata mereka sehat karena pola makan dan hidupnya seimbang. Mereka sering mengkonsumsi buah segar, buah kering dan sayur sebagai menu utamanya, jarang sekali memakan makanan olahan dan sedikit makan daging atau yang berlemak.
Mereka hidup di pegunungan yang tentu saja jauh dari polusi udara. Udara yang sejuk, segar, air murni tanpa polutan yang muncul dari balik bebatuan. Hampir semua dari mereka tidak terkena penyakit degeneratif seperti umumnya orang sekarang.
Usia 80 ke atas, mereka masih bisa bekerja di ladang sebagai petani, gigi lengkap, tulang kuat dan kulitnya yang sehat. Mereka mampu mengendalikan kalsium dalam tubuhnya dari sayuran hijau yang selalu mereka konsumsi bukan dari pasaran sebagai tambahan.
Selain pola makan, pola pikir mereka sederhana bebas dari stress sehingga mereka terbebas dari pemicu penyakit.
1.Use materials that can be recycled, recycle the paper used will reduce the need for wood and preserve our forests.
2. Goods such as plastic non-paper, cans should not be used with the waste basket.
3. Donate used books or magazines to the more needy.
4. Separate waste paper waste paper and colored white.
5. Take advantage of both sides of the paper effectively and optimally.
6. Avoid using glossy paper than the expensive, difficult to recycle.
7. Take advantage of the former or the paper to be used.
8. Collect paper that is not used to another people who need it.
9. Save paper by using the paper back and forth on the photocopy or print.
10.Set the document before printing so that efficient place.
11.Make the invitation in the form of small cards.
Hutan Indonesia termasuk yang terluas di dunia dengan 144 hektar, 64 juta hektar hutan produksi, 31 hektar hutan konversi. Hutan menjadi sumber kehidupan melalui sumber daya alam yang kaya serta menjadi salah satu aset yang amat penting bagi perekonomian Indonesia.
Hutan Indonesia bukan hanya dinikmati oleh orang di Indonesia melainkan penduduk dunia. Hutan hujan tropis melingkupi 10% hutan dunia berfungsi sebagai paru-paru dunia yang menyaring emisi CO2. Tahun 1990 jumlah CO2 yang disaring dan diserap hutan Indonesia sebanyak 1500 megaton. Hutan menjadi aset yang amat benilai baik Indonesia maupun dunia.
Peduli Hutan
Kita semua harus berpartisipasi terhadap pelestarian hutan antara lain dengan mendukung program penghijauan 1 person 1 tree atau melalui kampanya HEMAT KERTAS DAN PRODUK HUTAN.
This plant is well known from the time of Pharaoh's kingdom. This plant is used for beauty. The Arabs use henna paste for coloring the hands, feet and hair. People are Europe and the United States utilize this as a hair dye only. This is reasonable because in addition to coloring chemicals can cause inflammation, skin disease and even intoxicating.
Elements Chemical Henna
The section used by the plant is a flower and leaf. Leaves the molecule with lawsone elements 2 - Hydroxy -1, 4 - Napthaquinone substance assist the process of induction of biological and medical black coloring.
While the leaves contain tanin and renin which is well known henatanin. Henna flowers in addition to the fragrance also contains vitamins A, B, ionine .
Benefit Henna Plant
Treat Burns
get a burn when the level 1 and 2 it can provide a good healing
Stain Injury
Red nail polish that is able to treat wounds such as eczema imprint because it can kill the microbes in the decomposition process.
Compress the Bleeding
Red nail polish is very effective in stopping bleeding nose
Killing Virus
This can be seen in the healing process in which the virus can be destroyed in the body with henna womb.
Medicine Wart
Generally, the use nitrogen to remove the growth, but growth with red nail polish can also be healed.
Be careful as a parent of a child ....
Children will learn if you like him to grow in environments that provide support.
Children will have the goals and ideals if grown in an environment that gives the award.
Children will be merciful and if grown in an environment of love to share.
Children will love the truth if it grows in the ingkungan uphold honesty.
Children will be fair if grown in an environment that respects justice.
Children will respect and sense of grace, if grown in an environment of good heart.
Children will have the confidence and be suspected if grown in an environment of security.
Children will see the world this is very valuable if the growth in a friendly environment.
So Where Will we brought our children at this time? we are parents will be the mirror for them
Some of our body consists of water. Feed lots of water required by the brain and heart that is about 90%. But be careful with our water consumption. Do not easily believe in the water with famous brand, not necessarily written in accordance abortion. Sometimes TDS (total disolve solid) is still high. Or water that you use a water refill? Of course you should be more careful again.
Color display is clear but when its take time more than about 2 days, moss and other similar small when placed in a lightish growing ... because the sun is the main food for small organisms.
It is a good idea to know your uterus or womb TDS of your water consumption, usually if you live in urban areas, such as large mining companies always conduct a survey of drinking water for the consumption of the workers at least 1 year, you can join to take information if not have the opportunity to analyze their drinking water is ....
Alternatively if you do not want to be bothered with the problems and various kinds of analysis, you can replace your water with drinking water pure water. In Indonesia, MLM has developed a special drinking water with TDS = 0 i own or have a tool that can filter your drinking water well, although the price is rather expensive, but expensive in the beginning to be useful at any time.
Indeed, the impact of water consumption that we do not directly visible but have a certain time and the effects of the disease manifold, ranging from cancer, kidney, interference of body's metabolism and many other ..... but how beautiful life, we just life once so better for us to create a great genration
decision in your hands!!!
Kapan anda mengkonsumsi buah pada saat menyantap makanan anda? sebelum atau sesudah makan? Jika anda mengkonsumsinya setelah makan maka selama ini anda salah.
Kenapa salah? Kan rasanya kecut? Kan belum makan kok sudah makan buah? dan masih banyak lagi pertanyaan yang ada di kepala kita.
Ternyata..... memang rasa buah itu asam tetapi ketika sampai di pencernaan kita, rasa tersebut akan berubah menjadi basa sehingga ketika kita konsumsi sebelum makan tidak akan menimbulkan sakit perut karena perut berada dalam keadaan basa yang siap menerima asupan. Sedangkan jika kita konsumsi sesudah makan, perut yang setelah mendapat makanan menerima buah akan saling tolak menolak karena fungsi buah tidak lagi sebagai basa tetapi sebagai asam.
Oleh karena itu salah jika orang mengatakan perut saya sakit kalau belum makan menyantap buah karena buah yang terlebih dulu masuk akan membantu pencernaan dan pembuangan sedangkan buah yang di makan setelah makan khasiatnya sebagai pencahar tidak lagi bisa berfungsi.
Menghafal adalah pekerjaan susah.....banyak orang beranggapan seperti itu. Tidakkah kita mencoba cara baru yang bisa membuat menghafal menjadi jauh lebih mudah dan ringan? Menyenangkan sekali ketika anak kita mengeluh dengan pelajaran hafalannya kita dengan bijak bisa membantu dan memberikan solusi mudah.
Otak kita terbagi dua, otak kiri yang menyenangi angka,urutan, kerja sistematis dan otak kanan yang menyenangi seni, cerita, bahasa. Menyeimbangkan kerja otak kiri dan kanan membuat pekerjaan yang kita lakukan akan semakin mudah.
So, ketika dihadapkan dengan pekerjaan hafalan yang merupakan kerja otak kanan sedangkan hampir semua orang didunia baru memaksimalkan otak kiri, ini akan menjadi pekerjaan yang menyulitkan sehingga sering kali kita mendengar ucapan otakku sudah penuh tidak sanggup lagi menghafal.
Alternatif cara menghafal dengan Super Memory System adalah dengan cara membuat cerita. Semakin lucu cerita yang kita buat, konyol dan tidak masuk akal akan semakin mudah diingat otak kanan kita karena otak akan merekam hal itu sebagai sesuatu yang baru.
Contoh : diberikan kata mobil-topi-kertas ( ada mobil menelan topi, topi memuntahkan kertas)
Jika hal itu diterapkan kepada anak-anak kita, mereka akan menganggap hali itu lucu, sehingga mereka akan lebih enjoy menghafalkan karena mengingat cerita dan tahan lama. Jika dilakukan dengan otak kiri, bisa dipastikan hafalan yang mereka lakukan hanya bertahan selama 6 jam.
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